How I came to proclaim and embrace my Lovely Lifestyle.

"I needed a hero, so I became the she I needed!"

We all have moments in life when we desperately wish we could hit the reset button. I've come across many of those moments in my life (and I'm sure you have too), but the most poignant moment was after my divorce.

As a woman, embarking on this new journey after a divorce can be challenging.

You forget your strength.

You forget your beauty.

You forget your worth.

However, with one spark, hope, and a dream, you can hit the reset button and start over from ground zero!

Myself? I hit ground zero with 5 young Kings.

I had no choice but to reset.

What exactly is a reset?

Anytime you see someone reset their life in a movie it's followed by a fashion makeover, a painless mindset shift, and an immediate positive change.

Unfortunately, life isn't a movie and hitting reset comes with a few bumps and bruises.

Lasting change didn't just happen overnight. It was a difficult and, at times, painful process of letting go, owning my mistakes, and learning how to show up for myself.

And though I felt lost and alone at times, I knew all things are possible with God by my side.

 Smile of an angel, heart of a fighter

Don't let my bubbly personality fool you, I am a fighter!

I decided to use every challenge that comes my way as a chance to climb or pivot until I transform it into a blessing.

Now, I'm blessed to share my journey to inspire people across the globe through coaching, community outreach, and my podcast Lovely Lifestyles.

I want you to know you're not alone in your struggles. There's hope for a better life, and you can manifest your dreams if you're willing to fight for them.

You are worthy of big, amazing, life-changing things!